
The Cheddar source code is located in the src/ directory.


The tokenizer has no specific folder structure. Terminal parsers, are generally kept in the literals/ directory, expression non-terminals in the parsers/, and statements in the states/ directory.

Standard Library

The file structure of STDLIB (the standard library) is simple. It's located in the src/stdlib/ directory. In this root directory, you'll see two files: api.es6 and stdlib.es6. Each of these have their own uses:

  • stdlib.es6: This constructs the global scope (i.e. the standard library).

  • api.es6: This is the API itself, it defines useful functions and provides the Cheddar primitives (CheddarString, CheddarNumber, etc.) to you. This also helps avoid cyclic dependency errors.

Here's a diagram of the further folder structure

 |-- stdlib.es6      Standard Library List
 |-- api.es6         The STDLIB API
 |-- ns/             Namespaces
 |    |- <name>/       The implementations
 |    |- <name>.es6    Compiles the namespace's properties/methods
 |-- primitive/      Primitive Libraries
      |- <name>/       A specific primitive
          |- lib/        The implementations
          |- lib.es6      Compiles the methods/properties
          |- static.es6   The static properties

<name> would be replaced with the name of that specific item.

If you which to create a new namespace, or a global class. Create a <name>.es6 file in ns/ and a folder in the same directory. <name>.es6 will be where your class/namespace is defined. Individual method implementations can go in the folder you created. For example, if I was creating a package named "Geometry" my files/folders would look like:

 |-- geometry.es6
 |-- geometry/

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