
Numbers are a way to represent any ordinal limited by your computer's memory.

Cheddar's numbers support decimals, separators, bases, and implicit promotion.

Basic Numbers

The most basic form of a number in Cheddar are integers and decimals. Cheddar wraps both of these in a "Number" type. You can write numbers as you would in most languages:



Often in programs you deal with large numbers. Numbers are often written with commas to distinguish the sections of the number. Cheddar provides a simple syntax for number separators, _.

 123_456 // Same as 123456
 1_2_3_4 // Same as 1234
 1__2345 // same as 12345

As you can see, Cheddar does not enforce where you place your number separators.


You can type binary, octal, and hexadecimal literals in Cheddar:

 0b1010   // *b*inary
 0xFF     // He*x*adecimal
 0o0222   // *o*ctal

What's the zero at the beginning? That specified the amount of zeros to append to the integer section of the number. For example:

 2b1 // equal to 0b100
 1xF // equal to 0xF0

Last updated

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